Sunday, July 25, 2010

101 Ways to leave a game show is tedious and drawn out!

What a tedious, slow and crap execution of a game show concept this has turned out to be.

First they all have to pick an answer to a question of which one is wrong and will lead to their exit. But they do it by this repeated, boring, "If you get this correct, you win the answer" round of questions when two or more pick the same answer.

Take a leaf out of Millionaire and get the contestants to pick an answer "fastest finger first", no messing around. The first to press the button gets that answer without all the pain and tedium (but loads of tension).

Loads and loads of build up just to pick the contestant that takes the dump, fall or slide that the viewer wants. Then to cap it off, the loser is told they have lost, giving them time to get into that health and safety arms crossed over the chest position before the lever is pulled. Screw that, line them all up and just pull the lever. You can build that up all you like as the sudden end to the loser that picked 'Phlegm' as a variety of cheese will be the pay off that will get people coming back.

Think of the Channel 4 show, the Million Dollar Drop, that had loads of build up. The sight of the trap door opening and dumping £100,000 down a hole had the viewer hooked.

For the final, fill the tank with Piranha, Toxic waste or Fire

I will never get that 60 minutes back, can't even ask for a 60 minute refund on my TV License.

BBC1 let's pray for a short season.

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